Thursday, August 14, 2014

How does the world see you?

How does the world see you?  Interesting question.  I for one always catch myself trying to please other people.  I'm a people-pleaser.  But how do people see me?  If only there was a test I could take that would help me figure out some of my strengths that others might see in me.  Luckily, there is.  While listening to the latest episode of the EntreLeadership podcast ( highly recommend ), that was just such a topic.  How does the world see you.  At the end of the podcast, they give you a link to take a test.  The test/assessment is free!

Here's the link for you to try:


code:    entreleadership

Answer 28 questions and find out how the world sees you.  Here's what I learned about me:

Combine your two advantages and you get what they call an Archetype.  Here's my Archetype:

Try it for yourself!

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