Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Haters gonna hate

Often I come across an article or a blog post and become inspired.  Then I just want to share.  Well this post is no exception.  I came across a blog post by Seth Godin that said,

"Do your work, your best work, the work that matters to you. For some people, you can say, "hey, it's not for you." That's okay. If you try to delight the undelightable, you've made yourself miserable for no reason."

I often find myself questioning my work all the time.  I try to do work that I think everyone will love.  And if I think someone might not agree with what I'm doing or won't like it, I'll discard the idea and move on.  This is a mistake... and I know it is.  But why risk putting yourself out there?  Why risk being shot down... having your idea discarded. 

The reason why it's worth it is the reward always outweighs the risk and we always learn from the experience, whether good or bad.

So the next time you have an idea, don't let doubters hold you back.  Often times, you may find that the biggest critic to your idea is actually the person in the mirror!

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