Monday, May 12, 2014

Save the date!

As a professional, our time is often consumed by tasks and people that we don't plan for.  So when we 'want' to work on something or give a talk-presentation, we often find that we just don't have the time.  Our days come and go, and all we're left with is a soft 'maybe'  Maybe next month I can work on that project.  Maybe next week I can sit down and chat with my coworker.  Maybe after this project I can give a talk on what new things I've learned.  Maybe?  Maybe! 

It's time we all tell our time what we're doing and stop wondering where it went.  The next time you want to give a talk, start a project or just get some 'me-time' to setup some goals, set a date.  Set a date far enough in the future to prepare and strategize, but not too far out where we know we're stalling.

And when that date is set, don't miss it!

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