Today I'm speaking about programming. Yesterday, I made a concession that I find myself making more and more lately. I fixed code { programming } that was working, but wasn't perfect. This originated from adding a feature that wasn't necessary, but another programmer asked for it. Upon review, the change I made introduced more less-than-perfect functionality. This required more rework.
Why is this 'bad'? Because perfect is a state not worth attaining. It costs time, money, momentum, energy. And frankly speaking, perfect isn't attainable. Not for a human being, anyway. Perfect and personal opinion do not work. Period. Someone is always going to find a better way, a cleaner way, a faster way. But at what cost? Isn't the idea to give someone something that works and provides them value, all the while being a good steward of their trust, money and time?
I'm not saying don't do a good job. If you're in the business you're in and are successful, then you must be competent. What I'm saying is be mindful of what is important to the customer. A functional product that provides a customer value. They don't want perfect... no one wants something perfect.