In the last post, I talked about making changes to your job to transform a normal job into your dream job. This time, I'm going to talk about solving problems at the work place.
No matter the industry, there will always be problems that arise or areas that could use improvement. The problem is, everyone talks about it but no ones does anything. To make changes in an organization, it's employees need to accept ownership. When you see something that needs fixing, take it upon yourself to form a 1-man committee to resolve to fixing it. Now I'm not talking about overstepping bounds or calling people out. Fix it by ending the complaining and come up with a solution.
At my last job, when a new employee was hired, they were added to various systems and ordered a laptop. On the new employees first day, they would receive their laptop, only to realize none of the software they needed to be successful at their job was installed or they didn't have the correct permissions to access what they needed. So rather than do something to fix this disconnect, people just gossiped and complained. This creates silos within the company and breeds conflict. Instead of joining everyone and complaining about it, do something about it. In this example, go down to the IT department and ask questions. Ask if they were to be provided a list of software needed, could they load it before the new hire started. Propose a new line of communication to notify managers when permissions were set for new hires. Create a checklist for departments to sign of on when their part of the process is complete. Solve problems, don't fuel gossip and sore a company culture.
In 2016, I challenge you to form a new committee, led by you, for tackling something that needs improvement at your job. It could be anything. Employee orientation improvements, retention recommendations, social outings for team-building. As long as it's something you care about and are ready to make a difference.