So I recently came across a problem while upgrading my computer to Windows 10. I run Windows on a VM { virtual machine } on my MacBook Pro. So when I upgraded, my Windows machine now has a 1 inch margin on the left and right side that I cannot get rid of. If I hover over my mouse on either side of the margin, the cursor changes from an arrow to a pointer. When I click in that space, the mouse automatically goes to the center of the screen.
Now I'm not telling you this out of frustration towards my computer or bad upgrade experience. Believe me, I've vented enough to my tech friends. While annoying, this real-life example illustrates something I believe we could all benefit with. Margin. Margin in our time and margin in our money.
So what does margin in our life look like and why is it needed. Lets start with time. Imagine a day... perhaps today, when you left your house late. Maybe you speed, maybe you run a red light or stop sign. Maybe you pass someone in need. Because you've left yourself no margin, your life is now in panic mode. You are less considerate of others, more prone to errors and risk. You're in a hurry and can't be bothered. By leaving yourself no time to spare, you drastically limit your opportunities and experiences. Add more margin in your days for travel to work alone can completely change the whole outlook on your day. Give it a try.
Now lets talk about money. Margin in money can be tricky. Most people live life paycheck to paycheck. "Too much month at the end of the money" is our theme song. But what would it look like to have a little margin in our monthly budget? Say $100 a month. Is that doable? When we leave no margin in our money, disaster strikes on a regular basis. I am constantly telling my wife we always have '$1,000' problems. Each time something happens, it's a grand. With no margin, money problems become money disasters. Fights over money, fights over spending... fights over anything. A little margin in our budget would turn those disasters into inconveniences. I think we could all live with a few inconveniences once in a while.
Try adding a little margin in your life and see what a difference it makes. Start by being aware of situations that would be better if you had more margin. Whether it be time or money. Then add some in and see if it makes a difference. I know you'll be surprised!