Friday, July 24, 2015

Deceptive math in business

I begin with a statement:  100,000 + 1 = 1.  Now from a mathematical statement, that's obviously nonsense.  But from a business standpoint... is it??  What if I said sometimes, for people, 100,000 + 1 does equal 1... to us.

Okay, enough talking in riddles.  What I'm referring to by my premise is that if in whatever profession you are in, be it programming, sales, marketing... if 100,000 people come up to you and say "Looks good.  Love it!  You did that?  Great job!" we smile and continue about our day. Sometimes we will even dismiss it all together.  "Ah... it was nothing."  or  "It wasn't me, they did all the work."  But if 1 person approaches us and says our idea is dumb or that we failed, all of those praises fall by the wayside.  We focus intently on the one negative and try to understand it.  Why did they not agree with us?  Why did they attack us?  Is there something wrong with me?

Do not play victim to this.  See the comment for what it is.  Criticism based on someone's opinion.  Don't let the voice of one drown out the echo of thousands.  Believe in what you do and what you stand for.

One last note.  More times than not, that one person criticizing your idea or calling you a failure might just in fact be the person in the mirror.  Be your greatest cheerleader, not your worst critic!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Privilege vs. Burden

Lately I've had a very poor outlook on things.  Whether it be in my home life, work, trouble with vehicles, my daily commute.  All of these things collectively have been weighing on me.  I'm afraid I have a case of the 'have-tos'.  { Shutter }.  What are the have-to's?  Good question.  Here's an example.  I have to go to work today!  I have to drive to Grand Rapids today.  I have to watch the kids tonight.  I have to make dinner tonight.  I have to take my son fishing this weekend.  Ugh... exhausting just typing it.  What a burden on me. All these things I have to do.  What if, I wonder, we changed the sentence a little.  What if I changed one word???  Would it make a difference.  Lets try it.

I get to go to work today.  I get to drive to Grand Rapids today.  I get to watch the kids tonight.  I get to make dinner tonight.  I get to take my son fishing this weekend.

Wow.  Now just reading that I feel energized.  I feel excited.  Privileged to do such things.  Just by changing one little word, I change my whole outlook on things.  You see, in reality, I don't HAVE to do any of that.  I could be unemployed.  I could be without a vehicle, or without children.  I could have no money to buy food for my family.  All of these things which I day-in and day-out take for granted are privileges in my life.  No, I don't HAVE to do them.... I GET to!

My wife is always telling me that it takes 2 weeks to create a habit.  So for the next two weeks, I'm going to be aware of the words I choose to use in my vocabulary.  Any time I catch myself using the word 'have', I'm going to auto-correct myself in real-time and change my vocabulary... change my thinking... and change my life.

Now, you have to.... err.... you GET to join me.  See what an impact it has on your life!  2 weeks.  Go!